The Moray Business Women reached out to the EBWN a few months ago. As part of their charity event for the year they wanted to virtually walk to another Elgin in the world (they are in Elgin, Scotland). MBW picked our Elgin because of the EBWN! So they are walking Elgin to Elgin and members of the EBWN are walking back with them to Scotland.
Please see our Facebook page every Friday for the next few weeks for more info and how to keep track of your kms (running, walking, swimming, rowing, biking, etc).
The EBWN are going to donate any Charity of Choice funds donated during the time of the event to the Canadian Mental Health Association – Elgin.
As an EBWN member, if you would like to make a donation through the EBWN please sign in hereLoading…
If you would like to make a receipted donation directly to the CMHA Elgin, please click here to donate.